Ukraine: Advance Custom Declaration for Ukrainian Ports


Published: 13 January 2014

Members will be aware that it is very important to strictly comply with a country's customs rules and regulations in order to avoid potentially significant fines, detentions and other serious consequences.

Before calling at a Ukrainian port it is important to create a very comprehensive list of ship's stores, fuel and crew's belongings in order to mitigate against the risk of being fined for an infringement. The relevant law is found within Article 472 of the Custom Code of the Ukraine.

The kind of items which should be declared include:

  1. all fuel oils / diesel oil / fresh water / L.O;
  2. lube oils (all oils must be declared including hydraulic and engine, the waste oils as well, all of which are in drums and cans, in engine cylinders, hydraulic oils, etc...);
  3. chemicals (freon, acetylene, oxygen, thinners, cleaning materials, acids, etc.);
  4. nonferrous metals (copper, brass, etc.);
  5. paints (all types, all drums and little cans, even old paint);
  6. pyrotechnics (signal flares in life boats as well, with particular accuracy as to these details);
  7. narcotic and medicines (all should be declared as usual but there may be tablet by tablet inspection every port call);
  8. ship's cash and crew money/effects;
  9. other ship's stores which cost more than 100 euro (per item or a complete set) and may be consumed during the trip such as provisions;
  10. list of new washing powder, soap, and other contents which are usually kept in a bosun's or a chief cook's storeroom;
  11. also declare any cutting tools and knives;
  12. all personal medicine of the crew (even for head ache or cough).

The lists are quite comprehensive, but it is not known in advance of arrival which matters the inspectors will choose to pay particular attention to.

The more thorough the advance preparation, the lower the risk of an unexpected infringement and consequent fine.

Consequences of an infringement may include the confiscation of the non-/miss-declared goods as well as a fine of up to 100% of their value.

If a vessel is alleged to have committed an infringement it may be prudent for the Master to contact the Association's local Correspondent soonest for immediate assistance.

The Association is grateful to Igor Cherezov of Correspondents DIAS in the Ukraine for contributing to this advisory.