To assist our members, masters and their crew in identifying the hazards and safeguarding against bulk cargoes which may liquefy during carriage, we now launch a new edition of our pocket guide.
Since first publishing this guide in 2013, there has been a continued focus on such cargoes and revisions of international conventions to further safeguard against casualties.
Unfortunately, there continues to be serious incidents where cargo shift or liquefaction is the cause. Intercargo has kindly supplied the club with updated statistics relating to bulk carrier casualties and between 2008 and 2017 a total of 53 bulk carriers over 10,000 deadweight tons have been identified as total losses, 9 of which have identified cargo failures as a cause.
Sadly, these losses also accounted for 101 lives lost over the same period.
To continue to highlight and assist our members and their crew to carry cargoes safely, Skuld has taken this opportunity to revise and update the pocket guide to reflect the updated regulations currently in force. The document is now available in .pdf in both English and Chinese, please see links.
For further enquiries in respect of this publication please contact the Skuld Loss Prevention and Recurring Claims Group:
Skuld is grateful to Brookes Bell for their assistance in this project and hopes it will be of assistance to members, masters and crews.