Skuld Energy service

Skuld Energy's service approach is personal. We look at every member and client individually to understand their commercial and technical challenges.

Our service at a glance

Our team is located in Oslo, London, and Singapore, and we operate in nearly all time zones, including 24-hour emergency service.

Specialist contract and claims lawyers including an offshore risk management expert

Fast and professional response in all claims matters

Bespoke contract reviews and unique policy wordings tailored explicitly for the offshore arena.

A personal approach

Extraordinary service

Our goal is to minimise exposure for all parties and effectively manage the remaining risk, while providing our members and clients with the flexibility and support to achieve their business goals. Skuld Energy has developed its own specialist insurance wordings for the offshore arena with clear language reflecting the environment of increasing responsibility and accountability offshore operators perform in today.

Tailor-made contract reviews

Our specialist offshore and energy contract lawyers offer tailor-made contract reviews to our clients. Each year, we review several hundred contracts for a variation of clients in the offshore industry, from oil companies to construction and service companies. For any single client, this means a tremendous amount of experience to call upon to help understand the chain of liabilities and indemnities and negotiate contracts from a more knowledgeable standpoint. Our aim is to achieve balanced contracts where our clients are fully aware of the level of risk they carry and do not go in underinsured or unaware of the entire risk picture.

Specialist claims handling

Dedicated lawyers and claims handlers ensure a fast and professional response in all claims matters. In addition, our clients benefit from the expertise of Skuld’s worldwide network of resources with staff representing 25 different nations and several legal jurisdictions. In addition to the highly professional and efficient claims handling process, we provide our clients with emergency support 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Expert technical advice

Our technical management team provides bespoke, specialist advice to our clients, ensuring that risks insured through Skuld Energy are fully understood, and that our clients are operating according to the best possible standards for the industry.