Skuld’s purpose statement ‘Protecting ocean industries’ underlines our role in society and our commitment to members and clients and to the global ocean industries. Our competence and expertise ensure a caring approach to environmental, social and governance risks in the marine world. Today, our commitment also includes an awareness of climate challenges and the need for sustainable development. We support decarbonisation initiatives, and continuously build knowledge within the organisation, partnering with our members and clients on these matters.
Here are our commitments so far:
Member of the Maritime Anti-Corruption Network (MACN)
Skuld’s membership of the Maritime Anti-Corruption Network (MACN) acknowledges the importance of contributing to the elimination of corruption. We believe that the collective action of the MACN network will have a positive impact for the maritime industry. The network has more than 180 member companies who own or operate commercial vessels or are part of the maritime value chain.
Signatory to Poseidon Principles for Marine Insurance
Skuld has signed the Poseidon Principles for Marine Insurance, a global framework for assessing and disclosing the climate alignment of insurers’ hull and machinery portfolios. They enable the insurance sector to implement transparency and they establish a common, global baseline to quantitatively assess and disclose the alignment of the insurers’ shipping portfolios with climate goals.
Mission Ambassador for Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping
Skuld is a mission ambassador for Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping. The partnership will further support and promote our common goal of securing and providing tomorrow’s zero carbon shipping solutions.
Partner to The Green Shipping Programme
Skuld is partner to The Green Shipping Programme (GSP), a public-private partnership, aiming to advance the Norwegian government’s maritime strategies and plans. The programme’s vision is to develop and strengthen Norway’s goal to establish the world’s most efficient and environmentally friendly shipping.
Since becoming a partner in 2021, Skuld has participated in two ammonia related pilots; Green Ammonia Powered Bulk Carrier and Ammonia powered tanker.
Signatory to the Call to Action for Shipping Decarbonization
Skuld became a signatory to the Call to Action for Shipping Decarbonization convened by the Getting to Zero 2030 Coalition in 2021. The call addresses the urgency to decarbonize the maritime sector, and raised awareness ahead of the COP26 and MEPC77 meetings in November 2021. The ambition of this Call to Action is full decarbonization by 2050.
Member of 'Getting to Zero 2030 Coalition'
Skuld is committed to the initiative ‘Getting to Zero 2030 Coalition’ that was launched at the UN climate action summit 2019 in New York.
The coalition is a partnership between the Global Maritime Forum, the Friends of Ocean action, and the World Economic Forum with over 160 member companies (as of August 2022).
By 2030, the coalition is committed to launch commercially viable deep sea zero emission vessels powered by zero emission fuels.
Neptune Declaration on Seafarer Wellbeing and Crew Change
Skuld Signed the Neptune Declaration on Seafarer Wellbeing and Crew Change in January 2021. This important declaration defines four main actions to facilitate crew changes and keep global supply chains functioning, and is signed by over 850 companies and organisations (as of August 2022).
Signing UN women empowerment principles
Skuld has signed the UN Women Empowerment Principles to support the advancement of equality between women and men in Skuld and in society. The principles present seven steps that business and other organisations can take to advance and empower women.
“At Skuld we promote an organisational culture which values gender equality and diversity. Providing equal employment and career development opportunities and increasing the percentage of women in managerial and key positions is closely linked to our strategy for the future.” Ståle Hansen, President and CEO, Skuld
Signatory of WISTA Norway’s ’40 by 30’ pledge
Skuld is a signatory of WISTA Norway’s ‘40 by 30’ campaign promoting diversity in the maritime industry and striving towards increasing the share of women in companies’ leading positions to 40% by 2030.
In Skuld, our overall goal is to achieve at least 40% of each gender in all managerial and key positions by 2025. We are pleased to have reached 38% in 2023.
Reporting to the SHE Index
Skuld is reporting to the SHE Index, which, powered by Ernst & Young is a catalyst for encouraging stakeholders to focus on diversity and inclusion in leadership and workforce, equal compensation and work life balance. Thus, promoting gender equality in general.
Skuld’s continued commitment to enhance gender equality and diversity is an important initiative in our sustainability work supporting UN SDG 10, reduced inequalities.
Skuld’s score on the SHE Index improved further this year, from 64 points in 2022 to 70 points in 2023. This is the result of the activities and policies Skuld has implemented to improve gender balance.
Signatory to the UN Global Compact
Skuld became a signatory to the UN Global Compact Report in September 2019. This underlines our promise to pursue sustainable development and is an important tool in our sustainability work.
Skuld supports the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.
Signed statement for renewed global cooperation
In September 2020 and as part of the 75th anniversary of the UN, and the 20th celebrations of UN Global Compact, Skuld signed a global statement together with world business leaders for renewed global cooperation.
In times of global disruption, climate change and transformation, international cooperation is essential in upholding the ten principles of the UN Global Compact and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
Transparency through the Global Reporting Initiative
To emphasise our responsibility and improve transparency, Skuld is reporting yearly using the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) system for measurement and reporting.