Employers' Liability Register (ELR)


Credit to: Vitalii Vodolazskyi / Shutterstock.com

The UK Financial Services Authority has introduced certain requirements under the Employers' Liability Insurance: Disclosure by Insurers Instrument 2011. The Association has accordingly made available a list of all vessels entered from 20 February 2011 onwards together with a list of all claims for crew illness injury and death notified to the Association after 20 February 2011 and relating to policy years prior to 20 February 2011. The Registers are searchable and are updated every three months.

All vessels currently entered in the Association can be identified by use of the List of Vessels function on this website.

Persons having enquires under this provision should contact the Legal Department at the Association's head office in Oslo or send an e-mail to legal@skuld.com.