Members are advised to note that the Association has received a warning from local Correspondents in respect of the entry into Alexandria Port.
At present, the channel marker buoys may not all be in the correct position.
While this matter is presently being investigated by our attending Correspondents, Members are advised to proceed with caution.
Ship Masters are recommended to take special care when approaching the Port and navigate with great caution. Marker Buoys for the fairway channel must not be taken as the sole point of reference for the vessel's position in the channel. Careful bridge work, with physical lookouts, radar monitoring as well as careful advance passage planning are highly recommended.
The Association is aware of two groundings that have taken place at the Port in the last 10 days, and while the Association is not in a position to comment on the cause of these incidents, Members are advised to be prudent in their approach.
If Members have concerns or queries, they are encouraged to contact the Association without delay.
Prepared with the kind assistance of Messrs. El Hamamsy Marine Services Ltd.