Colombia: Drug smuggling prevention report 2024

Port news

Published: 30 April 2024

Credit to: Andrii Yalanskyi /

Skuld's correspondent, A&A Multiprime, has recently published an updated report on drug smuggling in Colombian ports. The report provides valuable information on emerging practices and necessary precautions, along with relevant recommendations and countermeasures. It incorporates the most recent insights and strategies aimed at addressing the challenges posed by drug smuggling in the maritime industry.

The report highlights concerns raised by local authorities regarding drug contamination in various cargo types such as fruits, coal, and scrap. Additionally, it identifies new trafficking routes that extend beyond Colombia to other ports in South America. Furthermore, the report covers the latest regulatory updates, including Dimar's Resolution No. 0502 of 2023, which pertains to ship security alert systems.

Skuld is grateful to A&A Multiprime for having provided this alert.