The development
Members may be aware of the continued growth of the aquaculture industry, which is centred in the Asia-Pacific region. This region accounts for over 80% of production and over 70% in terms of value, globally, with North Asian areas of China and Korea accounting for a large percentage of these volumes (Source: United Nations Fisheries and Aquaculture Department).
The marine installations for aquaculture can be found close to both major and minor ports, indeed the installations may be found very close to busy shipping channels.
These installations can present a challenge to navigation, because they are not always properly marked on charts and not always fitted with buoys or radar reflectors.
The claims resulting from incidents between vessels and such installations have proven both costly and difficult to resolve, based on past Association experience.
Korean aquaculture installations
The Association is grateful to Messrs. SEAsia who have produced a "Warning to mariners: Korean coast fish and aquaculture nets" which is being republished here with their kind permission.
In this note members will find helpful information on the types of installations found in Korea, seasonal information, basis for civil or criminal liability claims as well as practical loss prevention advice.
The key advice is and remains that vessels should always seek latest up to date information from local agents on local conditions, and whether there are any navigational issues that may be of a seasonal nature and / or which may not be fully represented on charts for the area.
Careful passage planning is also very important in ensuring vessels stay in shipping channels and avoid coming in to contact with possibly unmarked installations close to such main channels.
Further information
The Association has also published two previous advices, with respect to such navigational challenges in China.
For further information, members are asked to contact the Association.
The Association is grateful to Messrs. SEAsia Claims Services for permission to republish their article "Warning to mariners: Korean coast fish and aquaculture nets".