Members should be aware that Port State Control (PSC) has announced a Concerted Inspection Campaign (CIC) targeting crew familiarity with enclosed space entry and rescue drills. The Paris and Tokyo MoUs will run the campaign from the beginning of September until the end of November, with the Black Sea and Indian MoUs running similar campaigns during this period. The goal is to encourage vessel owners to adopt safety procedures that prevent deaths resulting from personnel entering oxygen-deficient, oxygen-enriched, flammable and/or toxic enclosed spaces.
Per the Paris MoU's website, "crew members with enclosed space entry or rescue responsibilities shall participate in an enclosed space entry and rescue drill to be held on board the ship at least once every two months." The drills shall include the checking and use of personal protective and communication equipment, the use of instruments for measuring an enclosed space's atmosphere, the use of rescue equipment, and knowledge of first aid and resuscitation techniques. The CIC results from investigations which determined that most casualties aboard vessels are caused by insufficient knowledge of proper safety precautions.
Beginning in September, PSC inspectors will test crew members' familiarity with safe practices and proper equipment use. Deficiencies could result in the imposition of penalties, from time given for minor deficiencies to detentions for serious deficiencies.
A link to additional information regarding the CIC campaign targeting enclosed space entry and rescue drills can be found with this advisory.